Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Yee Haw! I lost 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks! I know I haven’t been posting but, I have been a busy, busy girl. I haven’t been exercising like I should be. I know, I know, bad, bad girl. But hey, I am still losing weight! Yeah ME!!!!
This is a daily struggle and I MEAN STRUGGLE!!! I drink my water good through out the week but, the weekends are so hard. Eating is hard on the weekend too. My husband is not the best eater and LOVES buffets. I like Chinese every now and then but dang, this boy can eat it every week, probably every other day!
I have lost another inch on my hips but nothing on my waist. Total weight loss: 14.2 lbs, 7” off hips, 5 inches off waist.
I am proud of myself. Thanks you Lord for assisting me and believing in me.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's try this again

Ok, so I have been terrible at posting on here. Drama and life had taken over my abilty to get back on track until recently. I have lost 9lbs in 2 weeks. I am walking, lifting weights and doing exercise videos. The change is now. I am sick and tired of being overweight and unhappy with the way I look. Don't get me wrong, I am full of self confidenece but, I want to be more healthy and look better. I am not looking to turn heads, I am wanting to not get those, "oh, I feel so sorry for her" looks.
I guess the wake up call came when I found out my husband had an affair. Yep, you heard me right, my husband cheated on me. Wow, this is the first time I have written that down. I was totally blown away. I thought we were happy, well, I was. He has lost 60 olbs and a woman he worked with was heavily flirting with him and the both crossed the line. We are working on repairing our marriage, but, I am working on myself too. Not for him, for me. Now, don't start getting all judgemental and think, I am losing weight for him, because I am NOT. I am doing this for me.
Let's get this weight loss journey going and it WILL be a success!