Wednesday, August 19, 2009


1st off I want to brag on myself! I have lost 10.2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. I have done well on work days but the weekend kills me! I can not stay on the diet wagon. Though I do TRY to make healthy choices, Society has made it hard for me to do so.

I have decided that fast food restaurants and buffets are the Devil’s work. He leads everyone to temptation and of course we drown ourselves in the desire of fatty foods! Pot lucks are another one of the devil’s games. There is too much to choose from and not everyone is watching what they eat.

Off my soap box for a while. Good luck to everyone trying to eat healthy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today is weigh in day! I have lost 6.4 lbs! Sorry, I haven’t posted in a while but, I have been super busy!

The eating has gone good. I did fall off the wagon Saturday night. We went to a birthday party for some friends of ours 12 year old. I did good eating the hamburger with out a bun, but then peer pressure fell on me. There was cake and they kept telling me to eat cake, I kept saying no. I didn’t want to tell them I was on a diet because then I would get “that look”. You know the look I am talking about. Don’t set there and act like you don’t. YOU DO!

Anyway, I caved in and ate a piece of cake, not a big piece, but still a piece of cake. Absolutely not on my diet! It was so sweet! The cake part was good of course, but my favorite part… the icing was yucky sweet!

Sunday morning as I was getting dressed for church, I noticed that my clothes were a little looser. So I had to weigh! I had lost 5 lbs! I was so excited! I wasn’t supposed to weigh until today, but knowing that I had lost some weight made it exciting!

I did my measurement today also and there wasn’t that big of a change, maybe a inch here and there. I am not going to post anything with weight or measurements until I am through losing the weight. This is a hard journey for me and putting the info up for the world to see, I am not ready for that!

A few nights ago I was watching RUBY and the episode was about her letting go of the clothes she wore at 700 lbs. She was having a very hard time with that, I was thinking to myself… Girl, let them go! To me, I would have been glad to have gotten rid of the clothes. She is worried that she will need them again. I use to be that way. No more! I will be getting rid of my fat clothes, those stretchy pants… Gone! I don’t want them anymore. I have kept a few of my skinny clothes and pray that I will make it to wear them.

See ya smaller!